If you are looking what the actual cost is for this powerful Online Booking tool you have arrived at the right spot. At Roverd we don't believe in subscription based billing. Our goal is to create winners out of each and every partner. We achieve this by sharing & implementing our profound knowledge of the internet gained in 20+ years of experience.
Schedule a demo and let us explain our pricing and how Roverd works. We are very unique in our set-up. Sign up today and we'll tell you some of our secrets!
Give Resellers access to your availability. Set custom commissions and payout type
Easily Offer Discount Codes, Giftcards, Special Group prices and more
We're located across the globe. We are available 24/7 via support. Say NO to chat bots!
Cancel your reservations and refund payments within a couple of clicks
Set your times and let Roverd do your scheduling. Efficient, simple and fast
We do not store any sensitive data. Your payment data will not be stored on our servers